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Crown Road Stormwater Diversion

Address: Crown Road, Taupō
Project Status:
Client: Taupō District Council

Project Overview:

The Crown Road Stormwater Diversion project was focused on constructing a stormwater diversion on Crown Road in Taupō, to address essential stormwater management and infrastructure needs within the area.

Project Scope:

This project included earthworks to stabilise the escarpment and retention pond, along with the installation of a new DN560 PE pipe down a steep embankment with seismic restraints and large anchor blocks. Additionally, the project required the installation of a DN1800 manhole and various-sized RCRRJ stormwater pipework across Crown Road and connections into the existing network.

Community Benefits:

This project significantly enhanced stormwater management in the area, ensuring a reliable and efficient stormwater system while addressing the challenges posed by the steep terrain. By expanding and improving stormwater infrastructure, the project supports a healthier and more sustainable living environment for the Taupō community.